Job Board Advertising: Nailed!

Job Board Advertising: Nailed!

Job board recruitment advertising is still the best method of finding quality people for your roles. That’s why job board advertisers like Flat Fee Recruiter have so much success in helping companies with their recruitment.  Don't believe us?  Check out our latest customer survey results!


How do you choose the best job board recruitment advertising sites?

Flat Fee Recruiter advertises on 30+ job boards meaning that your role is seen by a huge volume of potential applicants. Advertising on numerous job boards obviously has a higher success rate than if you were to advertise on just 1 or 2. In fact, in some instances, multi-job board advertising can generate up to 10 times more applicants than advertising on just one site.  Because Flat Fee Recruiter purchases lots of advertising space on lots of job boards, we are able to distribute the cost per job advert at a reduced rate meaning you get access to numerous job boards at an extremely low cost. Sounds good huh?

The success of job board advertising isn’t necessarily as simple as it seems. Whilst you might put your job on a job board this doesn’t guarantee campaign success. There are a series of factors to consider such as the scope of that job board, the number of hits that job board has and of course a great advert and application method.

Our job boards are carefully selected so that we make sure we have a large mix of job board advertising sites with different specialisms, affiliates & aggregators and marketing strategies to attract large scopes of the best applicants. We find the top job boards for recruitment and choose where to advertise on the basis of their regional and sector scope as well as making sure we pick the job boards with the most varied marketing strategies so that they appeal to the most people possible. Our chosen job boards cover press, bus, YouTube, television, SEO, radio and pay-per-click advertising meaning the volumes of people they reach isn’t just limited to just one type of marketing campaign.

We also research how successful our chosen job boards are in terms of; how many ‘hits’ the site receives and how many applicants apply via that site. We also ensure our job adverts are professionally copy written and highly key worded ensuring our job adverts come up as high as possible in search engines. And to bring the recruitment campaign success home we promote an easy and stress-free application process.

If you want to see how Flat Fee Recruiter can help with your job board advertising, why not request a job board advertising distribution list and see the results for yourself?

or 0113 3227243

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