82% of Customers Fill their Job in 8 Weeks for £199

We are really excited to be launching our new survey results.  We ask every single customer to complete our online survey after their advert campaign has finished and we are blushing about the overwhelming results.

 Everyone that completed the survey was 100% positive about the experience, the service and their commitment to using us again.  Now, we think that it's probably a little bit too good to be true...

Although 21% of our customers have completed the survey, we wouldn't be human if there wasn't one customer (out of the thousands of customers we work with) who was less positive and hasn't filled out the survey.  Even so, we still think it is something to celebrate as we measure our customer satisfaction consistently!

We have spent the last 12 months working really hard to make our service the best that we can possibly deliver.  The feedback we receive from our customers when we speak to them also backs up our survey results, as they tell us that we are; more approachable and put more effort into making their adverts work than any of our competitors, which is why they choose to stick with us.

Since last year's survey, there is also an increase to 82% in the number of customers who have filled their jobs in 8 weeks.  This instils additional confidence that our job board distribution and our focus on training in-house, ensures our customers really do get the best out of online job board advertising.

Did we also mention that we did some further number crunching last week? We found out that Flat Fee Recruiter generates at least five times more applications than the average response of just one job board?

So, if you haven’t used us before, perhaps it is time to get in touch and see if you agree with the majority of our customers... we would love to hear from you and help you attract talent to your company in the most affordable and effective way possible.


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