Where is the Best Place to find Quality Hires?

recruitment advertising

LinkedIn’s global report 2013 states that Job Boards still rule the charts for the most important place to find quality hires.  Social Media sites and employee referral programs are also ranked in high regard.  But, what does this mean for your recruitment strategy?  How do you choose where to advertise your current vacancy? Hopefully, these 5 tips will help you next time you need to recruit a quality hire.

1. Don’t just limit yourself to one source of advertising but consider an intelligent mix of methods to make sure your vacancy is in front of the right people

2. Job Boards are (and will be for a long time) the most important place to advertise your jobs. Because there are thousands of job board’s online, make sure you are advertising on a mix of job boards that reach your target audience via different means.  FFR can help you put together an effective mix of job boards.

3. Measure your results. Keep records of where your applicants and existing staff have come from, how they heard about your vacancy and which methods proved to be most successful

4. Think like a job seeker. Tailor your campaign to appeal to where the job seeker is looking. For example; attracting a job seeker on Facebook requires a very different approach to attracting a job seeker from a job board.

5. Keep up to date on your industry and the types of jobs you recruit for. Research where the vacancies are, kept abreast of new changes, surveys and reports to help you choose the right place to advertise.

Flat Fee Recruiter is dedicated to helping you find the best person for your vacancy by choosing the right mix of job boards and social media channels to advertise on. Don’t forget we can also advertise under your brand too. If you want to know more about where we suggest publishing your recruitment advert then please get in touch.

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