How to Widen your Reach for Job Seekers on Online Job Websites

Get Maximum Reach on Job Board Websites

Advertising vacancies on job board websites is a big part of the Flat Fee Recruiter service - but what exactly does this mean? What are the benefits of advertising your job on multiple job board websites and how do we ensure that we attract quality applicants to your job vacancy?

What’s the fuss about job website advertising?

You are probably aware that traditional methods of recruitment such as newspaper advertising are becoming less and less successful in getting to your audience – we’re in the digital age and it’s never been more prevalent. According to The Undercover Recruiter, 85% of recruiters advertise their jobs online. This is a huge shift from how recruitment used to be conducted. This change is mainly due to the increasing rise of internet use and a change in job seeker behaviour.

Q:  How do you find talent for your vacancies?  A:  You need to advertise where jobseekers are looking. 

Each year, we conduct an applicant survey to keep up to date with jobseeker behaviour and trends.  2016's gave some really interesting results... 

Today’s job seekers look for their next job on 9+ job board websites compared to just a few years ago where they were only looking on 1 or 2.

If job seekers are going to more online places to look for jobs, the likelihood of them finding your job advert decreases too - as their time is now split between lots of job sites. Unless your advert comes high in their search results, on a number of websites, and is compelling at first glance, you are potentially missing your target audience.

How do you get your advert high in the search results on job board websites?

Flat Fee Recruiter has a wealth of experience in the online job advertising industry and we as such, we have built very strong relationships with our suppliers - the job board websites. We also have a whole team of people dedicated to applicant attraction. By investing in their training, we guarantee to keep you ahead of the game. To know more about our service check out How it Works here, or more specifically if you want to learn more about job board websites check out All You Need to Know about Job Board Advertising

Because of these relationships, we have also agreed some very special contracts with job board websites and we get premium listings on them. This means that anyone placing an advert via Flat Fee Recruiter, will not only have an enhanced listing on job websites, but they will also have their job reposted every 2-7 days to keep it fresh. Oh, and your job features in direct emails to relevant applicants who match the search criteria too. This means that even if the applicants aren’t actively looking at the time we post your job advert, your vacancy is still pushed in front of the most relevant job seekers – giving you a greater chance of attracting quality applicants.

So, to ensure you get your advert high in job search results you need to:

• Know what you are doing, how to write the best job adverts and understand how job board websites work
• Have enhanced contracts with the job board websites and get to know the quirky elements of each one

How can you get your advert on lots of the right job boards?

This one is really simple - Use the original Flat Fee Recruiter!  This means you will get access to:

1. The right job boards:

Each advertising campaign we run has its own unique channel of job boards we publish on. This is influenced by location, job type and your budget. Our experienced team work to monitor and measure the success of all our advertising campaigns to ensure that the right job boards are used and you get maximum reach.  

2. Lots of job boards:

As our survey results showed applicants now look on 9+ job sites for their next role. To get your job seen, it isn’t enough to just go on 1 job board anymore. But budget usually comes into it if you are to justify the get a maximum reach of job seekers check out the difference between DIY and FFR.

Minimum amount of job boards you probably need x Average of single advertising on a leading job board (like Jobsite, Reed, Total Jobs etc.) 
5 x £175 = £875+VAT
(NB: This does not include the time spent by your team writing, posting and getting familiar with 5+ job board sites)

Flat Fee Recruiter Service
30+ Job board websites + advert writing + posting time = one-off flat fee from £199 +VAT.

In order to keep up with the job seeker habits, and get your job on multiple job websites, it could cost you a lot if you went DIY. 

How can you make your advert compelling at first glance?

There are a whole number of idiosyncrasies for each and every job board.  How they display adverts in search results and what they look like when applicants click through.

We have already mentioned the great contracts and premium listings we have with job boards sites. This means that in many cases the advert is also looking much more attractive in terms of the visual too. But, what is also important is how your advert is written to make sure that the candidate clicks through to your advert. Check out our article on All You Need to Know about Writing Job Adverts here.

Our professional advert copywriters write you a job advert that is attractive, engaging and keyworded to come up top in applicant searches on all the job boards we mentioned above. We don’t just stop there either – we’ve spent time streamlining the application process so that more applicants apply for your jobs than ever before.

As a final summary to ensure your advert has the best chance of attracting the right target audience, you need to:

1. Advertise in lots of online places to get to today’s job seeker
2. Advertise in the right places on the right job sites
3. Make sure that the type of advert you purchase is the best you can afford
4. Know how to get your advert to the top of job board site searches
5. Gen-up on what makes a compelling advert to the reader
6. Ensure your recruitment process helps and does not hinder the applicant journey

Finally, it's not just about quantity!  We have this covered with our very own Mr FFATS!