The Why & How of Mobile Recruitment

Mobile Recruitment

Mobile career sites are an important part of recruitment strategy for 2014. A study by the undercover recruiter found that at present 50%  of career sites are not optimised for mobiles. This means that potentially 50% of companies that are hiring for a role are hindering the application process resultantly decreasing the number of applicants that apply.

Not only is your mobile recruitment website the ideal platform to relay information about your company and your vacancies, but it is also a fabulous place to communicate with your potential applicants too. The perks of mobile recruitment from a job seekers perspective are as follows: you can do it anywhere, immediately, discretely and conveniently.

According to another study by the undercover recruiter, 72% of active job seekers use their mobile to view a company career site and 64% use their mobile to browse social media for jobs, so it has never been more important to embrace this technological recruitment shift.

Flat Fee Recruiter launched its mobile-friendly careers website earlier this year to ensure our clients get the most out of their recruitment strategy. So any job vacancy that you advertise with us is easily navigated via a mobile device meaning that applicants can efficiently view and apply for vacancies.

Here are our top tips for mobile recruiting:

  • Invest in a mobile-friendly career site – keep it simple and easy to navigate.
  • Make sure you have a stress-free application process – mobiles encourage immediate action, don’t make it hassle.
  • Utilise social media – mobiles are mostly used to browse social media (this includes job hunting and company research!)
  • Engage, engage, engage – a well thought out recruitment strategy will maintain your employment brand in engaging with your talent pool.

To help you attract as many quality applicants as possible, we will ensure that every vacancy you advertise with us will be mobile optimised. To view our mobile site from your phone visit: 

If you want to see your vacancy on our mobile site get in touch with us on 0113 3227243 or email us at .

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