Cool Tools & Apps to Help You Social Recruit

Cool Tools & Apps to help you Social Recruit

Online job board advertising is huge and with the amount of jobseekers turning to other online platforms to look for jobs it is becoming essential to tailor your recruitment campaigns to where the applicants are; social media. Some of you may have already experienced how time consuming it is to keep up with social media to see any kind of return on investment but Flat Fee Recruiter is here to help, below we’ve listed a couple of really handy apps and tools that will help you manage and monitor your online recruitment and social media campaigns.

1. JustUnfollow (Instagram & Twitter)

How it works

JustUnfollow provides features such as: recent unfollowers, fans (people who follow you that you don’t follow back), copy follower (so you can follow competitor followers), recent followers and white and black lists.  It’s a good way of keeping track of your followers and retaining feedback on your posts i.e. you lost 9 followers after your last post – uh oh!

Benefits for recruitment

Having such statistics is a useful way of measuring what’s working and not working in your social strategy, for example it may become clear that you lose followers if you spam your feed with jobs and receive better results if you follow the 80:20 rule (80% great content, 20% job advertisements).

2. Hootsuite (Facebook, Twitter & FourSquare)

How it works

Hootsuite is a social media management app that lets you manage and measure your social networks, you can do this by posting to social media from Hootsuite, scheduling content to social media and tracking and analysing traffic and mentions.

Benefits for recruitment

This is good for managing how you advertise your job roles on social media sites. The scheduling feature is particularly effective to ensure your roles go out over a period of time without spamming your followers. Hootsuite is particularly good because we all know how time consuming it is to maintain a strong social media presence.

See also buffer which works in a similar way.

3. Twitter Lists (Twitter)

How it works

Me > More > Lists. You can put twitter users into lists for you to manage your connections.

Benefits for recruitment

Lists are useful for grouping people together, i.e. those who are job seekers, those who post great content, those who are attending X event. You can then communicate with these specific individuals and see tweets from them only. You can also make these public or private, so if you were keeping track of competitors, for example, you could make this list private and keep track of the kind of content they’re posting or how much they’re paying for their positions.

4. – URL shortener (All Social Media Sites)

How it works shortens your URL links so when you’re posting or sharing content it doesn’t take up much room. also provides statistics when sharing across other networks so you can see what's working and what's not, the number of clicks to link including information such as when and where the link was clicked.

Benefits for recruitment

It’s particularly useful on Twitter with the 140 character restriction. It is also useful when advertising job roles as you can link to where to apply and also provide back links across your other social media channels.

See also: and

5. Google Alerts

How it works

Setting up Google Alerts is ingenious for keeping in the know. You can set up alerts for key words so every time content is posted that matches this key word, you are notified and keep on top of the industry/trends and technologies.

Benefits for recruitment

Setting up recruitment related searches will keep you constantly in the loop of new material relating to recruitment, such as salaries, new technologies, who’s hiring, who’s cutting back, job board news etc.

There are so many fantastic tools that can help with your recruitment, particularly in terms of managing it on social media platforms. Don't forget that Flat Fee Recruiter will get your jobs seen on the social media channels & we are mobile too!

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