4 Things to Consider before Jumping into Social Recruiting

Social Recruiting

Social media is a great tool for networking but it also can be used for recruitment purposes. Vast amount companies have started doing this to help their adverts reach a wider audience and in turn, more applications.

There are lots of surveys on the internet to help you choose which social media platform to choose from and as statistics continue to increase in terms of numbers of employers using social media and numbers of candidates using social media to find jobs, it makes sense to consider if social media is right for your recruitment strategy.

However, consideration should be given to what you want to achieve and how you are going to achieve this when using social media to recruit.  To this end, we have highlighted 4 key activities to consider before jumping in.

1.Ensure social media policies are up to date

Social media policies should form part of your overall Employment documents.  Advising your employees on what is and what is not acceptable behaviour is vital to ensure ground rules are set from the onset and you are to avoid lengthy court hearings.  You are not going to be able to stop employees using social media sites, so be clear on what how the company stands and why not also use their presence to your advantage?

2. Listen

There are many tools out there to help you research what your target audience is saying and where they are saying it.  A starting point would be to set up Google alerts for your keywords.  This may be your company name, your competitors, the type of talent you recruit, skill sets etc.  It will enable you to monitor any conversations happening online about those topics and help you identify the best place to put your social recruiting efforts into.

3.Consider training for stakeholders and other employers

Training for stakeholders and other employees in how to represent your company brand could pay big dividends.  Social networking is viral and it’s all about whom you know & referrals.  If your employees know how to get the most out of the site, connect with other like-minded skilled people and are trained on how to stay “on Brand”,  your potential talent pool has suddenly got a whole lot bigger!

4.Target talent on the most appropriate sites.

Identifying the right sites to recruit from is critical, to ensure you get the right talent and not to waste your time.  Although LinkedIn is one of the most popular for recruitment purposes and twitter and facebook are close seconds, remember these are not the only sites.  Consider where your existing employees go online to network, are they on niche sites, do they network in closed communities?

We hope that some of these tips will help you if you are considering social recruiting activity in the future.

Thanks for reading.

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