Online Video Interviewing - Top Tips to Keep Recruitment Moving

Video Interviews

We want to give you the best tools to improve your business, recruitment, and processes so, considering the current situation with the coronavirus, we thought it would be a good idea to share our knowledge on video interviewing.

You will probably be using online video tools like Zoom, Google Hangouts, Skype or even WhatsApp to help you and your peers communicate and work from home.  These are all very handy and allow for multiple person video calls, but if you are still recruiting and considering online interviews, then there are specific tools on the market to help you plan, organise, rate and integrate better into your recruitment process. 

What Online Video Interview Platforms are Available?

There are many to choose from and it’s always important to find the ones that will fit and integrate around you, your business and your budget.  Here are a few to get you started…

1. VidCruiter – Offer a pre-recorded video interviewing system, an automated scheduling system, a live video interviewing system that can record interviews and an automated reference checking software. Not only that, it can display your company's branding to ensure that the interviewee knows who they are being interviewed for!

2. Spark Hire – Allows you to show your branding, but not only that, they also allow for intro and outro video recording, a rating system to keep on top of what candidates you like and a collaboration setting that allows others to view the interview so you can have another point of view.

3. MyInterview – A simple to use platform that can be used on any device, making it easy to use for any candidate, anywhere/  It is also capable of integrating directly with your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) or website. They offer a free trial so if you’re curious you could give it a test run.

What do I Need to Think About when Conducting an Online Video Interview? 

Holding an online interview can be daunting for both the applicant and you, especially if you have not done one before.  However, we feel that the impact of the coronavirus will change how we all conduct recruitment in the future, and soon remote interviewing will become part and parcel of many business's recruitment processes.  If you are considering this change, it may be a good idea to practice/role play with someone in your office a few times, so that you really feel comfortable with it. 

If you are just getting started, here are a few things to consider:

1. Ensure you communicate with the applicant prior to the interview and help them prepare where possible.  This is probably best done on a telephone call beforehand. 

Agree a date and time, the length of time it will take, what will be involved, the format and structure and that they are comfortable with the tech.  Advise them if you are going to record the call, who will have access to it, where you are going to save it etc (GDPR stuff).   It is probably a good idea to follow this up in writing with the links to the software you are using, a diary event and any helpful references you can attach for them to read up on video interviews.  

2. Test that everything is working when you first start the call.  Double-check that tech, volume, visuals, etc are all working for both parties and explain what will happen, what are the objectives, will you be recording it, what are you looking to achieve, the format and kind of questions and how long it will take.  

3. Just like in a face to face interview, icebreakers are important to help put your candidates at ease.  Consider starting with some friendly and easy questions that are not part of the interview to get them warmed up and comfortable 

4. When you are going to start the interview, let them know.  A list of pre-set questions is a great idea (especially if you are interviewing several people for the same job) but also this will help keep you on time and keep the interview structured and focused.  

5. Keep on topic.  Just like a face to face interview, try and keep the applicant on track and answering the questions, rather than wandering off on tangents.  You may also need to probe a bit deeper in some cases, especially if the applicant is nervous or out of their comfort zone with this new way of interviewing.  Having a few questions up your sleeve to pull this information out of a candidate will help you feel more confident too. 

6. Don’t forget to give the applicant the opportunity to ask you questions and establish from the applicant how keen they are on the position.  If they are not as excited as you had hoped, find out why - what concerns do they have? 

7. Before you wrap up the interview, give some feedback, explain the positives, any concerns you have and then explain what will happen next and what will happen to the interview details, grading, and recordings.  

8. Keep to your timings.  Thank the applicant for their time again and close.  

9. Again, a good idea to follow up in writing thanking them, the next stages, timescales and how to contact you should they have any further questions or change of heart.


Now here is where a lot of businesses go wrong…

Clear communication balanced with the look and feel via video meetings is crucial. It’s important to be seen and heard! Simple right? So here are a few tips that will make all the difference!

  • Lighting – Make sure that your face can see seen clearly. Be close to a window with plenty of natural light. Or use a lamp close to your face but not in between the camera and you.
  • Sound – This doesn’t mean you need a microphone! Even though this would help and there are plenty of personal low cost, clip-on mic options, you don’t need a microphone. Just ensure that you are close to your computer’s microphone so that everything you say can be heard clearly.
  • Clutter – Remove any unnecessary clutter from the picture. Even though you have a lovely office plant or funny gimmicks on your desk, best to remove them before every video call. However, try to keep something in the video that is YOUR BRAND!
  • YOUR BRAND - Don't forget that you are representing your company brand and however you set up, visuals, dress and present yourself is all indicative of your company.  Get it right! 

Flat Fee Recruiter is here to help with all your recruitment challenges throughout the coronavirus period and beyond and to really help our customers in this difficult time, we are offering a variety of services completely free of charge.  These include shortlisting CVs, arranging interviews and hosting telephone and video interviews.  If you are under resource constraints now, please let us know and we will do all that we can to help reduce the stress from your recruitment strategy. 

Why not get in touch today on 0113 322 7243 or simply post your job and Paula will call you straight back! 


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