Careers Pages - Getting Started

Getting started with careers pages

Brill, you have your shiny new careers page for your vacancies, but what exactly is a careers page and what can you do with it?

Getting started:

You can see what your instant careers page looks like by clicking the link we sent you in your set-up email. We hope that you agree that it’s is a fresh and clean looking page, that is in line with your brand, sets your jobs apart and encourages applicants to apply.  

How will the applicant find the careers page?

Firstly, this page is mobile optimised which means that applicants who land on the careers page can log in and update their details for your job, on the go.  

The applicant will log on to the careers page from either;

  • Direct from a job board or
  • An email from Flat Fee Recruiter or
  • Any sharing activity you have done with the link.

What does this mean for you, the employer?

The whole application process is all branded up as you (the employer), which means that your company is directly engaging with your applicants as soon as they apply to your vacancy.

Your conversion to hire will be better because:

  • Applicants will know who you are when you call them.
  • Applicants can research your company at the start of the recruitment process.
  • Applicants can see what stage they are in the application process.  (It’s a good idea to make sure you move them to the relevant stages at your end - to keep them updated digitally).

You can attract more candidates because:

  • You can use the careers page to help bolster your recruitment results by sharing the URL link to with your network and other sources (see below).
  • The online process means that applicants can quickly register their interest and come back to finish it off if they are busy = you never miss another CV.

You can manage your Return On Investment (ROI) and stay safe with your data because:

  • All the applicants will be stored in one single place – allowing you to manage the whole recruitment process much easier.
  • All applicant data is kept on secure servers and it is GDPR compliant, to give you peace of mind and stay within the law.
  • You can track all your “other sources” of recruitment activity (read the “if you want to get really clever bit” at the end of this article) allowing you to run management information on where your best hires came from.

How can you optimise your careers page for success? 

Paste the URL you were given, in as many places as you can, such as:

  • A link on your website.
  • Create a social media status update and encourage your staff to share and do this too.
  • Set up a targeted social media or search engine sponsored Pay Per Click campaign.
  • Share in your internal newsletter & email refer-a-friend schemes.
  • Put it on your signatures and across your team.
  • Add to other free job board sites that you may have already set up.
  • Take it offline with a shorter (like or a QR code if you are attending exhibitions or careers fairs.

What happens when the applicant clicks "apply" on your careers page?

  1. Applicants will enter their email address and password (this is either generated from the email we send them, or they create a new account)
  2. They will move through a couple of screens which requires them to give consent in line with GPDR and add their contact details, upload a cover letter or attach additional documents.  
  3. The last page is all about answering the screening questions that you may have added.
  4. As they progress through the stages to complete their application, your branding and colours are visible throughout their entire journey.
  5. Once the candidate is fully registered they can see all their info, your job details and the current stage of their application with you.

And if you want to get really clever…

If you are using the link across different websites, you can track exactly where the applicants have come from by simply changing the source code on the apply part of the URL.  This will tell the FFATS system to update the applicant source field in the back end, so you can see which of your promotional efforts was most effective.  Please give us a call if you need any help with this on 0113 322 7243


Have fun and share lots.  Encourage your team to join in too, after all, people know people who are like themselves and referrals tend to have the lowest attrition rates out of all recruitment marketing methods - and they are usually the most affordable too!

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