How the 70% Rule Can Improve Hiring Success

Are you using the 70% Rule?

When hiring, it’s easy to become fixated on tracking down the perfect candidate. However, if you’re in the fortunate position of being able to screen a lot of CVs, it’s important not to discount those almost-perfect applicants. In the long run, it’s often better to invest your time training up someone inexperienced rather than searching for the elusive ideal employee. 

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Hiring Resolutions for 2020

Happy New Year!

Have you given any thoughts to your recruitment and retention strategy for 2020?  

According to Indeed, job seeker searches peak this week and to help you get the most out of your recruitment, we have listed our 5 essential top tips for hiring the best candidates…

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Tips to Approaching Passive Candidates

Approaching Passive Candidates

As the applicant market continues to tighten, becoming savvy with your recruitment strategy is essential if you are to hire the best talent for your business.  Surveys report that 70-80% of people are open to opportunities but the vast majority of them are not applying for jobs.  We call these “passive candidates”. 

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Debunking six myths of the application process

Debunking six myths of application process

One of the latest buzzwords in recruitment is ‘applicant experience’.  All of a sudden, employers have woken up to the fact that if they don’t keep their applicants happy – or at least communicate with them and treat them as real people – then the consequences can be far reaching!

Thanks to social media channels such as Twitter and LinkedIn, as well as good old-fashioned word of mouth, applicants that don’t feel you’ve made the effort with them can quickly turn against you and make sure all of their network knows how they feel. 

So what are the six ‘applicant experience’ truths that you might need to face up to? 

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How to communicate with jobseekers that don’t know they have applied to your job

How to communicate with candidates

In today’s modern recruitment market it is very easy to just click “apply” to every job you like the look of.  Gone are the days when job seekers kept a list of all the places they applied to and gone are the days when all the applicants who applied for your job knew who they were applying for.

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