We Heart Monster UK Recruiter...Forever.

monster recruiter

Recruiting is hard. Really hard.  Unless you have the right tools and support...

In this article we answer the question:

What are the best job recruitment websites?
What is Monster Recruiter?
Why should we advertise on Monster Recruiter?
How much does it cost to advertise on Monster Recruiter UK?

Recruiting the right candidate, in a world flooded with job boards stretching to every corner of the globe and not even to mention aggregators? Forget about it. You may as well go back to bed. These are the frustrations we hear every day, not only from our clients but from candidates too, who are finding it increasingly difficult to find that perfect job, in that perfect location, on that perfect job board.

How does Flat Fee Recruiter make sure job adverts work?
There are lots of things to consider here from getting the right job title to maximising your reach.  Flat Fee Recruiter advertises on 30+ job boards meaning which means that your job is seen by a huge volume of potential applicants. Advertising on numerous job boards obviously has a much higher success rate than if you were to advertise on just 1 or 2 and combined with our long-standing relationships with our beloved job boards, not only are we able to get higher than average applications, we are able to distribute the cost per job advert at a reduced rate, meaning you get access to numerous job boards at an extremely low cost. Sounds good huh?


What are the best recruiting job sites?
Let’s start by talking about “The Big 6”, when we say this we are referring to our loves, Monster, Indeed, Reed, Total Jobs, CV-Library and Jobsite. We have spent years, carefully selecting our preferred job boards to ensure that we can offer our clients a large mix of job boards with different specialisms, aggregators and marketing strategies to attract large scopes of the highest quality of applicants.

We find the top job boards and choose where to advertise on the basis of their regional and sector scope as well as making sure we pick the job boards with the most varied marketing strategies so that they appeal to the most candidates as possible. When I say we have spent years, I wasn’t exaggerating. 

So, why advertise on Total Jobs, Monster Recruiter, Jobsite, CV-Library, Reed and Indeed?
Well in this blog lies the answer, we want you to know why we have chosen to work with the big 6 recruiter job boards, where the job boards differ from each other and why we plan to shower our job board friends with undying affection, love, mince pies, cuddles, Marvin Gaye…ok well you get the point. 

When you place your advert with us, you not only receive your advert expertly written for you, ensuring the advert is bursting at the seams with all the correct terminology relevant to the sector to ensure attract quality candidates, but you receive (and this really is an added bonus..) a slice of our long-standing companionship with our job boards contacts. Take our Client Relations Manager Paula, you might think spends her days pulling apart and writing your adverts, making sure we have everything nailed, which truth be told she does, but in addition to this she spends a vast amount of time speaking with all of the Account Managers at each of the job boards to get their input to your adverts and to ensure we have an extra set of eyes (or six!) through the duration of your campaign. 

We ensure that we are doing all the hard work in monitoring and amending where necessary to ensure to have your advert performing to the best of its ability and if we see something that looks a little off, you can rest assured that it is being closely watched so all you really have to do is, watch those candidates rolling in!

Why advertise with Monster Recruiter UK?

We have been going steady with Monster Recruiter for well over ten years and, to be honest, you could probably buy yourself a new hat as one of us will probably pop the question pretty soon. 

Over the course of the last number of years our relationship with the Monster team has grown from strength to strength but not without its bumps along the way, Monster have had their fair share of ups and downs and have recently been bought by Randstad whose mission is “to transform the way people and jobs connect, worldwide”.

In addition to this, they have conducted a recent rebrand and marketing push, you would have to have been living under a rock of late to not have seen Monsters logo on billboards, radio, social media and TV. Following this change and with over 4.4 million advert views and 931,368 new applications in October 2016 alone Monster has become one of the leading online job boards and we are lucky enough to “know the right people in the right places” to guarantee your advert will stand out in the sea of adverts with Monster.

This year Flat Fee Recruiter has had almost 25,000 applications originate from Monster and this figure is rapidly growing month on month. Happy days!


How much does it cost to advertise with Monster Recruiter UK?
To go directly to Monster Recruiter UK you would be looking at costs from £49 - £500 per advert.  They base their pricing structure on the ease of filling your vacancy and even offer a similar package to ourselves with some recruiter help for £500.  


Why use Flat Fee Recruiter to advertise on Monster Recruiter UK?
As we have outlined above, advertising on more than one job board does ensure that you have a much bigger reach and therefore more chance of success.  The Monster Recruiter service that is similar to the flat fee recruiter model charges £500 - we charge £269 and write your advert for you... need we say more?

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