RIP Recruitment Agencies

RIP Recruitment Agencies

Now don’t get me wrong, there is always a place for a decent recruiter and I don’t wish every recruitment agency RIP – honestly.  But that’s the point; you have to be a decent recruiter in this day and age to survive!  Why should a Hiring Manager pay thousands of pounds for a basic service that, with a little creativity, could be managed with significantly less cost and hassle in-house?

Hiring Managers and in-house Recruiters are now wise to what they need.  They understand about recruitment strategies, they know how an ATS can improve their processes and they are keen to improve their employer brand to generate quality talent pools of referrals. The market is truly open to recruitment suppliers who can build partnerships with organisations to actually fill their jobs in the most efficient way – adding value to in-house processes rather than trying to replace or work around them.

The love/hate relationship between employer and recruitment agency has been going on for almost forever.  Recruiters are perceived to charge a ridiculous amount of money for doing very little, and in many cases, I agree, especially in today’s market.  Turn the clock back 10 years and attracting candidates was a costly business.  Your main option was the local press and I remember it costing about £1,000 for a business card sized advert which generated a small trickle of response.  A good candidate was a huge asset to a recruiter and with exclusivity - worth the fees charged.  

Fast forward to the digital age and the cost of reaching millions of candidates is a fraction of what it was.  For just £269 we can generate hundreds of responses for some mainstream roles such as admin and production. This means the biggest issue you’ll face is whittling down the applicants to a shortlist!  This may seem daunting, but if you know your market, have a well thought out recruitment strategy and can access a few useful tools; you will be able to target quality applications fast and with minimal resource.  I promise you!

Why should today’s Hiring Manager pay a recruiter thousands of pounds to find staff for them?
For now, the only time you should need to pay a recruitment agency is if you want to remain incognito to your applicants, or you need to find scarce talent and haven’t got your networks established... yet.  On the other hand, a cost-effective recruitment partner that can look after your recruitment advertising needs for just £199 per role?  That’s got to be with considering...

So why not give me a call on 0113 322 7243 to think about your recruitment a little differently?

And, with great sadness:  RIP my Recruitment Agency friends.

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