How Are These Top Christmas Job Adverts Relevant For Your Business?

Christmas Job Adverts

It’s that time of year again where the Christmas jobs come out in abundance. All the weird and wonderful of the winter workforce hits the internet and attracts hundreds of job seekers looking for a job over the festive period.

But how is this relevant for you and how can you utilise this in your business? Let us first just have a look at some inspiration with our top 5 Christmas jobs we’ve spotted online recently:

Top 5 Christmas jobs


Naturally, for some business these kinds of roles don’t apply – however for those of you that are recruiting over Christmas, there are actually some really useful takeaways here. Think about the following:

    • There’s a large market for flexible and temporary workers, not just over this period but in general – you just need to be specific on where you advertise, what you’re looking for and how quickly you can hire.  Make adverts appealing for your target audience and remember that competition is high so you need a speedy process to beat your competition. Where is the best place to advertise your jobs?  Check out this article for costings and coverage for job board advertising.


    • You can get really creative! If you can’t get giddy with your marketing over Christmas when can you? This applies to jobs too (whether festive or not). This will attract more people to the job and will ensure that you get some really great characters applying. Check out our previous blog for creative recruitment campaigns here.


    • December is the only time in the year where the scales are tipped in your favour.  There is a big reduction in the number of jobs advertised versus a steady applicant apply rate. Take advantage of offers and make your recruitment budget go head first into next year and check out this deal.


    • Don’t forget that this is the time of year where most people have additional time off and therefore more time to browse for jobs. New year, new start and all that! So get posting your festive jobs between November and the New Year and reap the rewards.


 Whether you are recruiting for jingle jobs or trying to extend your reach further with your advertising, have a fantastic Christmas and a great New Year! 

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