Bad Advertisement: Are you putting applicants off?

recruitment job advertising

Applicant experience is really important in the recruitment process as it will influence applicants’ opinion of your company.

So keep the applicants happy – they may be your brand ambassadors one day, they may turn to your competitors instead, they may have a large network of people they can dissuade from applying to your company in the future or they may even no longer wish to deal with your company at any level thus resulting in a loss of sales.

What counts as ‘bad experience’ in recruitment?


The application method is hassle

There’s nothing more frustrating to an applicant than finding a fantastic job but then falling flat once they hit apply. If they can’t easily apply for a role, or it takes longer than 15 minutes, you run the danger of losing that application and the rest. 

No communication

Applicants apply for jobs because they want them – so they want to know if you received their application and when they can expect to hear back by. If you don’t manage their expectations and keep them in the loop they think you don’t care and they will take the same approach with you in future.

Unhelpful service

If an applicant contacts you asking for more information make sure the relevant person is able to answer any queries, they might be the ideal candidate and you don’t want to lose them.

No interview feedback

If an applicant is invited for interview but doesn’t hear back this is a bad experience with your company. Feedback – good or bad – is important not only for their personal development but also for their personal opinion of your company.

Messing candidates around

Whilst you’re the hiring body and thus hold the cards no one likes to be messed around – if you arrange an interview try to keep it, if you say you’ll have a decision by X date try to stick to it or the applicant might get fed up and go elsewhere.

Being rash

If something isn’t clear on a CV/application don’t just write them off. You could have the perfect candidate but you let them go because you didn’t ask them to confirm.

Treat ‘em mean they won’t be keen! If you want to know how to improve your applicant experience why check out our upcoming blogs on how applicant experience relates to your brand and how to get good applicant experience. Alternatively you can contact FFR directly on 0113 3224273 to see how we can help and support your recruitment process.

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