Recruiting in the Education Sector

Flat Fee Recruitment for Schools

It's no secret that the Education Sector faces huge recruitment and retention challenges.  As unemployment across the UK hits a record low and the number of new entrants to postgraduate Initial Teacher Training (ITT) in 2018 is still behind TSM targets, at Flat Fee Recruiter, we actively encourage all employers to review their recruitment processes and policies to ensure that they are as efficient and effective as possible.

Smart recruitment is at the heart of everything Flat Fee Recruiter stands for and a large percentage of our market is in the education sector - so we know from first-hand experience how challenging this sector is.  Our specialism is in online recruitment advertising and recruitment technology and from a combination of these two elements, Flat Fee Recruiter is in a great position to help you reduce your budget, improve your average application rates and reduce your time to hire whilst remaining ahead of your competition as the employer brand of choice. 

As there continues to be some futuristic advances in technology we would recommend a complete review of recruitment methods and results to establish if there are any elements that could be tweaked so that you can embrace these developments.

Whilst we can not promise to solve all world problems, we can promise that we will give you honest advice that has been founded on experience and knowledge of the job seeker and education recruitment market.  Here are two key questions to get you thinking...

1. How do I Attract Good Candidates for a Fraction of the Price?

In this candidate shortage market where the internet is king, it is essential to consider your job seeker experience as a priority.  You will need to sell your vacancies and your school to potential candidates more than ever and if you want to reduce your spend on recruitment, you will also need to start thinking a bit more savvy about where, when and why you spend your budget. 

Schools spend over £250million on recruitment agencies each year, but by being a little bit clever about which jobs to advertise and when to use recruitment agencies, you can directly influence this cost.  There are some very expensive advertising channels out there too and for many employers, knowing where to advertise jobs online is a constant conundrum.  This is where Flat Fee Recruiter comes in.  With our expert knowledge and buying power, you can advertise on many sites for the same cost it would be to advertise directly on just one site.  And, you also get an amazing account management service that includes writing your adverts, creating careers pages, monitoring response and taking care of all your admin and candidate enquiries. 

The average application rate for the education sector, from a single job board like Reed or Total Jobs is 3.  It stands to reason that if you advertise in more places, you are going to reach out to more candidates and increase your average application rates...

Average CVs in Education


2. How do I Nail my Recruitment Process?

From our experience, the recruitment process for many schools is no longer fit for purpose.  We find that candidates want to apply but 68% are failing to complete applications on school websites and we encourage you to urgently review and streamline your recruitment processes so that you stop missing out on great applicants.   At Flat Fee Recruiter, we have written and developed specific online recruitment and automated software that captures all applications and drives them through a recruitment process that suits our customers.  

Whilst we understand that certain forms have to be filled in and changing policy is a big thing, there are immediate things we can do that will ensure you do not miss out on candidates who find it difficult to complete a long form whilst they are clicking "apply" from their mobile.

Like I said earlier, we can't solve all your issues, but we can help widen your reach, encourage maximum application rates and ensure that you don't lose anyone in the process - all for as little as possible.  Think of one day charge for one supply teacher!


Why not check out some of the schools we partner with or just give Chris or Alex a call today on 0113 322 7243 to talk it through.


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