Why Flat Fee Recruiter can Provide Cheap Recruitment

Cheap Recruitment

Lots of clients ask “How are you able to offer such cheap recruitment and still offer a high standard of service and fill our vacancies?” There are many answers to this question, so I thought an article would be the best way to explain just some of the ways.

1 - Privileged purchasing plan with job boards lets us pass the offer back to you

As part of our combined package of job board advertising slots, the total cost to you to advertise directly to all these job boards would be in excess of £1,000. The Flat Fee Recruiter purchases a high volume of space on these job board sites, which means we can pass the savings on to our clients.

2 - Let Technology help your recruitment process

We believe that you are the best person to know what kind of candidates you are looking for and so the recruiting decision is yours.

Our objective is to attract as wide an audience as possible and give you the technology to help you screen these applicants.  Our up to date and easy to use online recruitment software, allows you to reduce the amount of time it takes to recruit and means you don’t have to pay for lengthy, third party human administration time.

3 - We fill over 85% of job vacancies

A traditional recruitment agency will fill a maximum of just 20% of the job vacancies they work on.  For this reason, it means that they have to charge a higher fee to make up for the remainder of the unproductive time.  Here at flat fee recruiter, we fill over 85% of job vacancies which means that you only have to pay for the successful candidate generation activity.

4 - Streamlined internal processes

Attracting candidates for your vacancies is all we do. Here at the Flat Fee Recruiter, all our staffs are highly trained on the specific components of making an advert work for you.  By ensuring that we operate at 100% efficiency, you can be assured that; your advert is written by a dedicated professional, specific job board analytics manager to ensure the best performance of your advert and you have one single point of contact.

Thanks for reading.

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