Should you Advertise Jobs in December?

advertise jobs in December

We all agree that this year has been difficult because of COVID-19 and it is easy to focus on the negative when so much has changed.

Just like all business decisions in this market, hiring decisions have been extremely tough to make over the last 9 months.  From expansion to bust, growth to furlough, office to home…

Planning any kind of strategy that involves the people in your business can seem risky.  But, if you have resource gaps, Christmas hiring requirements, or even growth opportunities, now is the perfect time to attract those quality candidates before anyone else does!

Should you advertise your jobs in December?

The candidate market has been very fluid throughout COVID, and the signs are there, that it will continue to be strong. Reed has stated that there has been a 2% increase in applications at the end of November along with ourselves.

We are reading about big swathes of redundancies daily and statistics from our latest ultimate campaigns generated highly skilled candidates, 90% of which had all been made redundant.  It's no surprise that roles with little or no barrier to entry (education, skills, or experience) yield the highest application rates and there are still skill shortages for many roles, but there are definitely more quality candidates around too.  Additionally, the pandemic has also created an influx of candidates who are in employment and who are actively looking for jobs too.  The main reasons are because they have decided to either change industry sector or they are disillusioned by their current employer and how they have been treated over the last 9 months.

Who knows what is going to happen with economics and the candidate market in 2021?  One thing that is certain for 2020 though; we have an active candidate audience and because there are fewer vacancies advertised; we also have a great opportunity to capture their attention.

For many businesses, December usually provides a bit of a slowdown and allows businesses to catch up with themselves.  This may give you the breathing space to hold interviews, co-ordinate diaries more easily, and plan better interview and recruitment processes.  

Finally, wouldn't it be great to know you had a really strong team in place for the beginning of 2021, designed to help you achieve your company goals and beat this virus?

Where does Flat Fee Recruiter come in?

As we continue to help companies reduce their hiring costs and become smarter in their hiring processes, we are also continuing our quest to support businesses where they need it most with our COVID Recruitment Support Package.  

And, throughout December 2020 we are also giving all our customers the opportunity to advertise all their roles fully branded across the job board sites for just an extra £50!  

Need any more reasons to advertise your vacancies in December 2020?

Call us today on 0113 322 7243 or email to get cracking!